Here below the most recent press releases about OTB Foundation’s initiatives.

On the occasion of “Voices of the Unheard,” Hothur Foundation presented the Victory Over Violence project, emphasizing how important it is to concretely help women who suffer violence, and in this specific case, Indian women who are victims of acid attacks.

Representing OTB Foundation, which proudly supports the project, were our president Renzo Rosso and our vice president Arianna Alessi.

Ara Lumiere and the OTB Foundation renewed their commitment to women victims of acid attacks, including through a dinner during Milan Fashion Week

Coinciding with the reopening of the Italian schools, OTB Foundation and the Augustinians in the World Foundation announce a partnership aimed at strengthening the JUVENAT Residential Center-in the city of Dungu, Democratic Republic of Congo-a project aimed at the reception and social and economic reintegration of former child soldiers-both male and female-and marginalized youth.

The JUVENAT program, established in 2020 as a collaboration between the Augustinians in the World Foundation and Augustinian missionaries in Congo, is supporting 450 former child-soldier boys and girls annually, thanks to which a residential center and a number of workshops were built-in the first part of the project-to assist young people in the area.

With OTB Foundation’s grant, allocated after electing the winning project in the last Brave Actions for a Better World call for proposals, the training and production workshops already present at the center – PC programmer, carpentry, tailoring and agro-pastoralism – will be enhanced, expanding the beneficiaries’ social and economic reintegration program. Thanks to the OTB Group Foundation, the center will be able to support an additional 200 young people a year, increasing the program’s beneficiaries by 50 percent to a total of 650 boys and girls.


OTB Foundation has become an Ente del Terzo Settore (ETS), by decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. This is a new type of organization introduced by the Italian Third Sector Reform that allows nonprofit organizations to amplify their range of activities.

Until today we have done a lot, but from today we could do even more. Together.

OTB Foundation was awarded the WE WELCOME award for promoting the employment of people from Ukraine during 2022.

OTB Foundation was awarded the WE WELCOME award for promoting the employment of people from Ukraine during 2022.

We are proud not only for the recognition of the work done, but above all because it reminds how much integration, work, sociality and training can really make a difference!


Arianna Alessi and Renzo Rosso receive the Prize “La Moda Veste la Pace”, a public recognition to authoritative people who have distinguished themselves for their commitment to inclusion and the fight against discrimination and racism, awarded annually by the African Fashion Gate (AFG).

AFG has decided to give recognition to Renzo Rosso and Arianna Alessi for the constant work they carry out with OTB Foundation for the benefit of the weakest and most vulnerable, but especially for the commitment shown in supporting the Ukrainian population since the outbreak of the conflict.


Vanity Fair, on the occasion of March 8, presented Changemaker, a network of women who changed the rules of the game with a social impact: a group with which to focus on new scenarios and visions of a possible future, unhinging prejudices and suggesting virtuous actions (and winners).

OTB Foundation Vice President Arianna Alessi was interviewed among the top 20 changemakers, and in her interview she also talks about the work done in OTB Foundation.


People searching for survivors under the rubble, following earthquake, in the Al-Aziziyeh neighborhoud, Aleppo Governorate. ; A major earthquake of magnitude 7.8 struck south-east Türkiye and north Syria at around 04:20 am on 6th February.

Four days after the devastating earthquake that shook Turkey and Syria causing, to date, 15,000 confirmed victims, in particularly severe weather conditions, UNHCR has already mobilized its operations in the field to come to the aid of refugees and refugee camps in the two countries

With the help of the OTB Foundation, UNHCR will ensure safe emergency shelter tents and the distribution of emergency goods kits, to concretely respond to the urgent need of families in need of relief and shelter, a need made even more imminent by the adverse weather conditions of these last hours


On this occasion, OTB Foundation wants to support the brave organizations that deal with those who live in disadvantaged situations, in Italy and in the world. Given the difficult historical period we are going through, punctuated by continuous national and international emergencies, OTB Foundation wants to be present and support non-profit organizations that are facing growing and complex challenges, increasing its commitment through the launch of two different Calls.

The Foundation will provide a grant of € 300,000 for: ▪️ Development of solidarity emporiums in Italy ▪️ Women and youth empowerment projects abroad

From now until 26 January 2023, associations can apply by submitting their project at the following link:  BRAVE ACTIONS FOR A BETTER WORLD GRANTS 2022-2023

On this occasion, our vice president addressed the hot topics in which the OTB Foundation focuses its activities: the improvement of education, culture, integration, care for the environment and sustainability, as well as the attention given to women.

The Family Economy Week stands as a catalyst event of the best ideas in the economic, financial, cultural, social and entrepreneurial fields to instill in our country, and not only, an authentic wave of change.

More information on THEIR WEBSITE

The European Business Publications Association (EBP) announced the Entrepreneur and Philanthropist of the Year, chosen annually by publishers and editors, on Friday in Milan. This year, this title is dedicated to two people – our President Renzo Rosso and our vicepresident Arianna Alessi

EBP is the association that includes the publishers of economic and financial media of the major European newspapers, 42 belonging to 27 countries

Ghali;Renzo Rosso;Arianna Alessi

OTB Foundation was awarded the “Philanthropy and Society Award” during the ceremony of the CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards 2022 at the Teatro La Scala in Milan.

The prestigious jury of the award, chaired by Dame Ellen MacArthur, founder of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, with whom the National Chamber of Italian Fashion (CNMI) continuously collaborates internationally to promote a new approach to the circular economy of the fashion system, has awarded the prestigious award to the Foundation of the OTB Group, recognizing its extraordinary work and the concrete and constant commitment for the benefit of women and children in situations of need, as well as in the management of international emergencies.

For the fifth year in a row, Forbes Italia has selected 100 female professionals that in 2022, with their commitment and leadership skills, have added value to sectors such as art, lifestyle, finance, science, and sport, contributing to the growth of the country.

Our vice president Arianna Alessi has been included by Forbes Italia in the list for her commitment, along with other philanthropists, researchers, creatives, and managers at the helm of international realities.


The collaboration between OTB Foundation and Nove Onlus continues, with a targeted action aimed to rescue Kapisa’s children.

The orphanage of the province houses 50 children orphaned: the project aims to provide children with a welcoming and safe place that also provides for their education, saving these children from the street, exploitation, and from possible abuse.

This project assures them 3 meals a day, supplies of materials, as well as incentives to the operators of the orphanage to ensure assistance to children housed. In fact, these children enjoy better conditions in orphanages than at home, where they are often exploited or in any case hardly have access to education.

Charity Sshop “Il Cedro” was created thanks to the collaboration between OTB Foundation, Schio (Vicenza, Italy)’s Municipality, and a network of territorial associations, and it will welcome 250 families.

In addition to the free market area, the store provides a multifunctional space for first reception and empowerment.d.

Inside the shop, there is a listening center helping people find a job, look for the right services in the territory, manage the family budget, and a counselor/ psychological support service with a professional dedicated to the people in need.


OTB Foundation supports ItaliaHello in the Job Clinic Online project, an innovative digital tool created to answer the needs of refugees and asylum seekers, connecting demand and supply of work, promoting social and economic integration of migrants and foreigners between 18 and 45 years.

After winning the OTB Foundation call, the platform has been made accessible to external users since February 2022, and in the last 4 months has allowed the upload of 314 curricula, with an average of 25-30 requests per week. During the reference period, 94 interviews were held, 33 of which were successful. The beneficiaries, represented 20% by women, have found work in catering, tourism, goods storage, cultural language mediation, family and domestic care and construction.

But that’s not all: the project allowed 41 people to attend vocational training courses and several training seminars focused on improving their skills, writing their resume or knowledge of the job market in Italy.

Around 1,000 families in Odessa, Dnipro, Kramatorsk and Kyiv, have already received assistance thanks to the collaboration between OTB Foundation and Zegna Foundation who have teamed up with Cesvi to help people in Ukraine.

Targeting pregnant women and mothers with children under five, as well as elderly and disabled people who couldn’t flee the country, the organization is providing them with linens, pillows, warmers and hygiene kits.

Discover the history of Vladislava and Camilla

After first accepting the urgent appeal of UNHCR to support people and families forced to flee within national borders and to neighboring countries, the Foundation activated a support network for people leaving the country

From the organization of buses to bring fleeing Ukrainian refugees to the country, to the collection of materials to cope with emergencies (drugs, medical supplies, clothing and toys), to the organization of transport to Ukraine of the collected material.

The Foundation was then activated to manage the reception for Ukrainian citizens who will find hospitality in the territory of the Province of Vicenza, taking charge of the management of the COVID procedure for arrivals, with constant contact with the Prefecture and the associations of the territory, as well as for the accommodation of reception facilities on the territory (families or entire buildings).

Given the number of arrivals, also the recruitment of professional figures essential for the performance of the reception (mediators, psychologists and social workers) and the tracking of all the availability both in terms of hospitality and in terms of job placement were necessary activities taken over by OTB Foundation

The collaboration between OTB Foundation and Alice Onlus Association gave life to “Only The Brave Chiama Alice”, a free call service for kids aged 12 to 20 years old.

Discouragement, isolation and loneliness, doubts and fears are frequent in pre-teens and adolescents. For this reason, Alice Onlus and OTB Foundation help provide experienced professionals offer a free listening and support service.

The number will be active on Thursday, from 3 to 6pm and from 6 to 7pm, and on Friday from 4 to 6pm.

Access will be free by reservation:

– by writing to indicating one’s Skype username. The operator will indicate the time and day of the interview

– by connecting to Skype and calling the account. In case the operator is engaged in another conversation, it will call back according to the received calls.

Although addressed to minors, the service will not require the usual request for consent from parents and/or legal guardians

Click here for more information


OTB Foundation and Bocconi University join forces to shape the future female executive class: with a first investment of 280 thousand euro, the Foundation will finance the costs of the two-year master’s degree at Bocconi University for the selected students who will have the possibility to choose among four courses that allow entering two key areas, Public Administration and the top management of large companies, in which a higher presence of women is necessary and needed.



OTB Foundation was the first to respond to the urgent appeal launched by UNHCR to support people and families forced to flee within their national borders and to neighboring countries.

Less than a week after the start of the armed operations, it is very difficult to pinpoint the number of internally displaced people in Ukraine, but it is estimated that over 100,000 people had to flee their homes to take shelter. More than 600,000 refugees have already crossed Ukrainian borders in search of safety in neighboring countries, but the numbers are growing by the hour.

Thanks to the help of OTB Foundation, UNHCR will be able to ensure initial direct economic support to fleeing families to help them cope with the most urgent needs.



The projects we select meet three specific selection criteria: innovation, direct social impact, sustainability. We follow each of our social development initiatives at every stage and it must be well-accountable.