OTB Foundation dedicated a large part of its work in 2020 and 2021 to supporting the population affected by the pandemic and combating the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
To date, OTB Foundation
- donated about one million DPI and specialized equipment, and financed the conversion of hospital wards in Covid areas
- covered the expenses of fiduciary isolation of asymptomatic people
- provided food and drugs to hundreds of families, and donated devices to multiple Italian institutions to support home schooling
- opened one of the largest anti-Covid vaccine centers in the region, continuing to support the activities related to the vaccination campaign
- supported several existing charity shops and created new ones: multifunctional spaces that provide basic necessities as well as a space where beneficiaries are looked after by professionals to facilitate their integration in society through a multi-faceted support system
- supported the provision of food and basic necessities to families in financial need because of the pandemic