OTB Foundation supports Bambini del Madagascar Tonga Soa and its two foster homes in Maromandia and Ankaramibè, where girls without family networks and personal resources are housed.

Tonga Soa means “welcome” in Malagasy: the same that 40 girls between the ages of 9 and 19 receive in the two group homes supported by OTB Foundation.

In these two family homes, the girls live safely and have the opportunity to attend school, even high school, or learn a trade while also being able to count on health care that is not free in Madagascar.

The absence of a family network would inexorably expose the girls to poverty and prostitution, and the ultimate goal of the project is to provide them with tools and skills so that they can also grow in terms of their own autonomy.Madagascar is estimated to be one of the poorest countries in the world, where more than 80 percent of the population lives in extreme poverty and more than 40 percent of people are unable to get enough food.


The OTB Foundation is constantly looking for innovative, sustainable initiatives with a direct impact on society and above all on the beneficiaries.