Job Clinic, a project born thanks to the collaboration between Italiahello and Joel Nafuma Refugee, is answering the needs of refugees and asylum seekers, connecting demand and supply of work, promoting social and economic integration of migrants and foreigners between 18 and 45 years.

Winner of the call promoted by the Foundation in 2020 “Brave actions for a Better World,” Italiahello distinguished itself with its JobClinic Online project.

One of the categories particularly damaged by the Covid-19 emergency is refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, who experience a state of marginalization due to various factors but whose problems have been further exacerbated by the economic crisis and social isolation.

To cope with these difficulties, Job Clinic Online was born: the project-whose ultimate goal is to help immigrants obtain a regular employment contract-was concerned with the development of a system designed to be used primarily on mobile devices containing several sections, including advice on developing resumes, a matching point between job supply and demand, and an area dedicated to training with ad hoc content in different languages.

The platform has been made accessible to external users since February 2022 since the start of the project, more than 1,000 resumes have been uploaded and validated. The beneficiaries have found jobs in catering, tourism, goods storage, cultural-linguistic mediation, family and domestic assistance, handicrafts, and construction.

The service has been strengthened with the funding of a new figure entirely dedicated to developing contact with companies and candidate training. Thanks to this enhancement, a virtuous network of companies working closely with the ItaliaHello and JNRC teams has emerged. Prominent among these realities are also medium-sized companies that have joined the project such as Eataly and Decathlon.
But that’s not all: the supported project also enabled the beneficiaries to take advantage of vocational training courses and several training seminars focused on improving their skills, the drafting of their cv or knowledge of the labor market in Italy.


The OTB Foundation is constantly looking for innovative, sustainable initiatives with a direct impact on society and above all on the beneficiaries.