Piccolo Principe is an association that takes in children and young people (aged 0 to 21) who have been abandoned or are in difficult situations and have made precariousness a way of life. All the children are supported by a team of professionals – educators, social workers and psychotherapists – who formulate an individual educational and psychological support program. The association also supports the child during the period of placement in the foster family or reconnection with his or her family of origin.
OTB Foundation supports minors in their daily lives through donations of various kinds. It also contributed to the establishment of the “Casa dell’Albero“, a semi-residential clinical and therapeutic setting. This is a nationwide pilot project in response to the growing demand for support during the foster care and adoption process. In fact, the Casa Sull’Albero was conceived as a space in which to monitor foster care and adoption cases in crisis that are supervised on a daily basis by a team of professionals to prevent their failure, with a hospitality function for parents involved in the foster care and adoption pathways.